- Adams, John Couch
- astrobiology
- Big Bang
- binary stars
- blueshift
- Brahe, Tycho
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- Galileo Galilei
- Halley, Edmund
- Hawking, Stephen
- heliocentric
- Herschel, John
- Herschel, William
- Hipparchus
- Hubble constant
- Hubble, Edwin Powell
- insolation
- Kepler, Johannes
- Laplace, Pierre-Simon
- Le Verrier, Urbain
- lenticular
- lunar eclipse
- megaparsec
- Michelson, Albert
- nebulae
- redshift
- Sagan, Carl
- Slipher, Vesto Melvin
- solar eclipse
- space mission
- space shuttle
- spectrogram
- spectrometer
- spiral nebulae
- terrestrial
- Torricelli, Evangelista
- universe
- Wren, Christopher
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