Environmental Science

- absolute humidity
- acid rain
- agronomist
- albedo
- amphibious
- apex predator
- aquatic
- aquifer
- biodiversity
- biome
- bioregion
- biosphere
- breeding population
- carbon-14 dating
- causation
- cellulose
- chlorofluorocarbons
- circulation
- climate
- climatic zones
- cloud condensation nuclei
- condensation
- conductivity
- conservation
- conservation biology
- critical habitat
- decay
- dew point
- dissolved solid
- endangered species list
- endemic
- erosion
- eutrophic
- eutrophication
- evaporation
- extinction
- extrapolate
- extreme science
- floodplain
- flotsam
- fluid dynamics
- geographic information system
- Global Positioning System
- Goodall, Jane
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gas
- ground truth
- habitat
- hindcast
- horticulture
- hydrosphere
- hygrometer
- immiscible
- insolation
- interdisciplinary
- invertebrate
- latitude
- limiting factor
- limiting nutrient
- limnologist
- Lovelock, James
- macronutrient
- Malthus, Thomas Robert
- maximum depth
- micronutrient
- microplastics
- miscible
- natural history
- natural resources
- nourish
- nutrient
- nutrient influx
- oligotrophic
- ozone
- photosynthesize
- phytoplankton
- population
- precipitation
- radar
- radiosonde
- rain gauge
- rainshadow
- recycle
- relative humidity
- riparian
- rookery
- sanitation
- saturation
- sky island
- stakeholder
- Superfund
- telemetry
- temperate zones
- terrestrial
- trade wind
- Tyndall, John
- ultraviolet
- visibility
- von Seysenegg, Erich Tschermak
- World Meteorological Organization
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