
- abiogenesis
- acetylcholine
- active transport
- adaptation
- adenosine triphosphate
- advection
- aerobic
- agglutination
- algae
- allele
- alveolar
- alveolus
- amino acid
- amphibious
- amphiphilic
- Anaxagoras
- Anaximander
- anther
- antibody
- antigen
- antiport
- apex predator
- archaea
- artery
- artificial selection
- astrobiology
- Avery, Oswald
- bacteria
- bacteriophage
- Bateson, William
- binary fission
- binomial
- biogeochemical
- biomass
- bioregion
- boundary
- breeding
- breeding population
- Brown, Robert
- Brownian motion
- carbon-14 dating
- causation
- cell
- centrioles
- Chambers, Robert
- Chargaff, Erwin
- Chase, Martha
- chemiosmosis
- chloroplast
- chromatin
- chromosome
- circulatory system
- classification
- concentration
- concentration gradient
- conchoidal fracture
- conservation biology
- Cope, Edward Drinker
- Correns, Carl
- cortisol
- cramp
- Crick, Francis
- cytokinesis
- cytoplasm
- cytosol
- daughter
- de Vries, Hugo
- decay
- descent
- diffusion
- diffusion coefficient
- DNA helicase
- DNA ligase
- DNA polymerase
- dominant
- effusion
- electrolyte
- endemic
- endocytosis
- endomembrane system
- endosymbiosis
- environment
- enzyme
- epidemiology
- eugenics
- eukaryote
- eukaryotic
- evolution
- excitable
- extinction
- extrapolate
- facilitated diffusion
- filial
- Fixity of Species
- fluorescence
- folk taxonomy
- fossil record
- Franklin, Rosalind
- gamete
- gate
- gene
- gene drive
- generation
- genetic drift
- genome
- genotype
- genus
- glucose
- golgi apparatus
- Goodall, Jane
- Gould, Stephen Jay
- Graham, Thomas
- Griffith, Frederick
- habitat
- Haldane, J.B.S.
- haplotype
- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- hemagglutination
- hematocrit
- heredity
- Hershey, Alfred
- heterozygous
- homeothermic
- hominid
- homozygous
- Hooke, Robert
- hormone
- horticulture
- Human Genome Project
- Huxley, Thomas Henry
- hybrid
- hydrogenation
- hydrophilic
- hydrophobic
- immunity
- in vitro
- inherent
- inheritance
- inherited
- interstitial
- invertebrate
- karyotype
- Knight, Thomas Andrew
- Krebs, Hans Adolf
- Lamarck, Jean Baptiste
- Landsteiner, Karl
- leukocytes
- Levene, Phoebus
- lichen
- limiting factor
- limiting nutrient
- lineage
- Linnaean hierarchy
- Linnaeus, Carolus
- lipids
- lymphocyte
- MacLeod, Colin
- macronutrient
- maternal
- McCarty, Maclyn
- mean free path
- Medawar, Peter
- meiosis
- melanin
- membrane
- membrane pump
- Mendel, Gregor
- metabolism
- microbial
- micronutrient
- microscopic
- microtubule
- Miescher, J. Friedrich
- mitochondria
- mitosis
- Morgan, Thomas Hunt
- mutant
- mutate
- mutation
- Nageli, Carl
- natural selection
- Neanderthal
- Net movement
- neutrophil
- Nightingale, Florence
- nomenclature
- nourish
- nucleic acid
- nucleotide
- nucleus
- nutrient
- nutrient influx
- Okazaki fragment
- organelle
- organism
- osteological
- outbreak
- paleobiological
- paleobiology
- panspermia
- parasite
- parent
- Pasteur, Louis
- paternal
- Pauling, Linus
- peptide
- phenotype
- phospholipid
- photosynthesis
- photosynthesize
- photosynthesizing
- phylogeny
- phytoplankton
- pigment
- pigmentation
- plasma membrane
- polar
- pollen
- pollinate
- population
- preening
- primary production
- progeny
- prokaryote
- prokaryotic
- protein
- random walk
- Ray, John
- recessive
- Remak, Robert
- replication
- reproductive isolation
- respiration
- Resting membrane potential
- rookery
- rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Saint-Hillaire, Isidore Geoffroy
- sanitation
- saponification
- Schleiden, Matthias Jacob
- Schwann, Theodor
- serology
- serum
- sickle cell disease
- Skou, Jens Christian
- Spallanzani, Lazzaro
- species
- spontaneous generation
- strain
- sugar
- symbiosis
- taxonomy
- Theophrastus
- Theory of Spontaneous Generation
- trait
- Tyson, Edward
- uropygial gland
- vaccine
- vein
- Venter, Craig
- vertebrate
- vesicle
- villi
- Virchow, Karl
- virus
- viscosity
- viscous
- Wallace, Alfred Russel
- water-insoluble
- Watson, James
- wean
- Wilkins, Maurice
- X-ray diffraction
- yeast
- zygote
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