The conditions that surround and affect an organism.
Appears in modules:
- Acids and Bases I Definitions, pH and neutralization
- Adaptation The case of penguins
- Animal Behavior Causes and approaches to studying behavior
- Animal Ecology Competition, predation, and cooperation
- Atmospheric Chemistry Research that Changed Global Policy The work of Mario Molina
- Carlos J. Finlay Eradicating yellow fever
- Cecilia Payne Figuring out what stars are made of
- Cell Division I The cell cycle
- Cellular Organelles I Endosymbiosis and membrane-bound organelles
- Charles Darwin I The Origin of Species
- Charles Darwin II Natural selection
- Charles Darwin III Descent with modification
- Chemical Reactions Types of reactions and the laws that govern them
- Collaborative Research in the Arctic Towards Understanding Climate Change The work of Kevin Arrigo
- Craig Lee Ice patch archaeologist
- Creativity in Science How scientists decide what to study
- Defining Energy Forms of energy, conversions, and measuring
- Description in Scientific Research Observations and multiple working hypotheses
- Diffusion I Random molecular movement and influences on diffusion rate
- Discovery and Structure of Cells Cell theory, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes
- Ellen Ochoa Engineer and astronaut
- Energy Metabolism I Glycolosis and the Krebs cycle
- Franklin Chang Díaz Propulsion pioneer for future generations of astronauts
- Future of Human Evolution Artificial selection and transhumanism
- History of Earth's Atmosphere II The rise of atmospheric oxygen
- Johnson Cerda Promoting Indigenous perspectives in environmental management
- Luis E. Miramontes Chemist and inventor of oral contraceptives
- Mass Extinctions Major turning points in biodiversity
- Membranes and Chemical Transport Absorption, distribution, and storage of substances in organisms
- Membranes II Passive and active transporters
- Natural Hazards and Risk Where Earth processes and society intersect
- Nuclear Chemistry I Radiation, half-life, and nuclear reactions
- Origins of Life I Early ideas and experiments
- Origins of Life II Primeval environments and the origins of RNA
- Paleontology and the Fossil Record Reading the clues
- Population Genetics Hardy-Weinberg and genetic drift
- Scientific Controversy Development and resolution of controversies
- Solutions Molarity, solubility, and colligative properties
- Taxonomy I What's in a name?
- The Nitrogen Cycle Of microbes and men
- The Phosphorus Cycle Phosphates and fertilizer
- Theories, Hypotheses, and Laws Definitions, examples, and their roles in science
- Uncertainty, Error, and Confidence Characterizing natural variability and human error
- Uncovering the Mysteries of Chronic Mountain Sickness The work of Fabiola Léon-Velarde
- Water in the Atmosphere The factors that influence evaporation and condensation
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