
- abiogenesis
- absolute temperature
- absolute zero
- absorb
- acid
- activation energy
- adhesion
- adsorb
- advection
- aerobic
- alchemy
- alcohol
- alkaloid
- alkanes
- alkenes
- alkynes
- allotropy
- alpha particle
- American Chemical Society
- amino acid
- amorphous
- Amphoteric
- angular momentum
- anion
- anode
- Arrhenius, Svante
- atom
- atomic mass
- atomic mass unit
- atomic number
- atomic orbitals
- atomic unit
- atomic weight
- Avogadro's Law
- Avogadro, Amedeo
- base
- Becquerel, Henri
- Berzelius, Jöns Jakob
- beta particle
- biogeochemical
- black-body radiation
- Bohr, Niels
- bond
- bond length
- bonding
- Boyle's Law
- Boyle, Robert
- Brown, Robert
- Brownian motion
- Brønsted, Johannes
- buffer
- buoyant
- Cannizzaro, Stanislao
- carbon-14 dating
- carbonic acid
- catalyst
- cathode ray
- cation
- charge
- Charles's Law
- Charles, Jacques-Alexandre-César
- chemical bond
- chemical reaction
- chemiosmosis
- chlorofluorocarbons
- cohesion
- colloid
- combustion
- compound
- concentration
- concentration gradient
- condensate
- conductivity
- configuration
- Conjugate acid
- Conjugate base
- cortisol
- covalent bond
- covalent molecule
- crystal
- crystalline
- Curie, Marie
- Curie, Pierre
- Davisson-Germer experiment
- de Broglie wavelength
- de Broglie, Louis
- decay
- decay chain
- denitrification
- dense
- deuterated
- diatomic
- diffusion
- diffusion coefficient
- dipole
- dipole-dipole interaction
- dipole-induced dipole interaction
- dissociate
- distillation
- ductile
- ductility
- effusion
- electrical charge
- electrolysis
- electromagnetic radiation
- electron
- electron orbitals
- electron shell
- electronegativity
- element
- emit
- emulsion
- endothermic
- energy
- entropy
- enzyme
- excited state
- exothermic
- extensive property
- extrapolate
- Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
- Faraday, Michael
- Fick, Adolf
- first ionization energy
- First Law of Thermodynamics
- fluid
- fluorescence
- formula
- Franklin, Benjamin
- gamma decay
- gas
- gas constant
- gas laws
- Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Louis
- glucose
- Gordon, Neil
- Graham, Thomas
- ground state
- group
- Haber, Fritz
- half-life
- heat
- heterogeneous mixture
- Higgs boson
- homogeneous mixture
- hydrocarbon
- hydrogen bond
- Hydronium ion
- hydrophilic
- hydrophobic
- hydroxide ion
- hydroxyl
- ideal gas
- immiscible
- indicator
- induced dipole
- inert
- inorganic
- insoluble
- insulator
- intensive property
- intermolecular force
- ion
- ionic bond
- ionic compound
- ionized
- isoelectronic
- isomers
- isotope
- Joliot-Curie, Frederic
- Joliot-Curie, Irene
- Joule, James Prescott
- Kelvin, William
- kinetic-molecular theory
- kinetics
- Lavoisier, Antoine
- Lewis, Gilbert Newton
- limiting factor
- limiting nutrient
- limiting reactant
- Line, Francis
- Linus, Franciscus
- liquid
- London dispersion force
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Loschmidt, Johann Josef
- macroscopic
- magnetic moment
- magnetism
- malleability
- Manhattan Project
- mass
- Maxwell, James Clerk
- mean free path
- melting point
- Mendeleev, Dmitri
- metabolism
- metallic bond
- microscopic
- miscible
- mixtures
- mole
- Mole ratio
- molecular weight
- molecule
- monomer
- Montgolfier, Jacques-Étienne
- Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel
- Net movement
- network
- neutralization
- neutron
- nitrification
- nitrogen fixation
- non-relativistic
- nonpolar covalent bond
- nonpolar molecule
- nuclear fission
- nucleus
- nutrient
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Oersted, Hans Christian
- organic
- organic chemistry
- organic molecule
- oxidation state
- parent
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Pauli, Wolfgang
- Pauling, Linus
- peptide
- period
- pH
- phospholipid
- photosynthesis
- photosynthesizing
- pigment
- Planck's constant
- Planck, Max
- polar
- polar covalent bond
- polar covalent molecule
- polar molecule
- polymer
- polymorph
- potential energy
- precipitate
- Priestley, Joseph
- primary production
- product
- proton
- Proust, Joseph
- pure substances
- quantized
- quantum mechanics
- quantum numbers
- radiation
- radioactivity
- radioisotopes
- Ramsay, William
- random walk
- reactant
- reaction
- reaction rate
- relativistic
- repel
- Rutherford, Ernest
- salt
- saponification
- Schrödinger's equation
- Schrödinger, Erwin
- second ionization energy
- sediment
- Skou, Jens Christian
- solid
- solubility
- soluble
- solute
- solution
- solvent
- species
- spectral lines
- standard pressure
- standard temperature
- Stoichiometry
- Strong acid
- Strong base
- subshell
- sugar
- surface tension
- suspension
- synthesis
- synthetic
- Thales
- Titration
- transition
- transmutation
- valence
- valence electron
- valence shell
- van der Waals force
- viscosity
- water-insoluble
- wave function
- wave-particle duality
- Weak acid
- Weak base
- X-ray
- X-ray crystallography
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