Math in Science

- acceleration
- Ampere, Andre
- anomaly
- arithmetic mean
- average
- bell curve
- Bose, Satyendra Nath
- carbon-14 dating
- Chapman, Sydney
- confidence interval
- confidence level
- conic section
- constant
- degree
- descriptive statistics
- differential equation
- dimensional analysis
- Eratosthenes
- estimation
- exponent
- exponential decay
- exponential growth
- extrapolate
- Fermat, Pierre
- Fisher, Ronald
- Gauss, Carl Friedrich
- Gaussian distribution
- Gosset, William Sealy
- Hooke, Robert
- hypotenuse
- inferential
- Laplace, Pierre-Simon
- Leclerc, Georges
- linear equation
- linear regression
- magnitude
- mathematical modeling
- mean
- median
- normal distribution
- order of magnitude
- outlier
- parameter
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pearson, Karl
- population
- probability
- Pythagoras
- quantized
- radian
- ratio
- regression
- scientific notation
- skewed distribution
- spread
- standard deviation
- standard error of the mean
- statistic
- statistical error
- statistical significance
- statistics
- Student's t-test
- subsample
- systematic error
- t-distribution
- tetrahedron
- theorem
- Torricelli, Evangelista
- trigonometry
- variable
- wave function
- x-axis
- y-axis
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