A group of people who belong to an organization that has been formed because of shared interest in a specific field.
Appears in modules:
- Animal Ecology Competition, predation, and cooperation
- Atmospheric Chemistry Research that Changed Global Policy The work of Mario Molina
- Cecilia Payne Figuring out what stars are made of
- Circulation in the Atmosphere Earth's tilt, orbit, rotation, and the redistribution of energy
- Description in Scientific Research Observations and multiple working hypotheses
- Ecosystem Services Categories and valuation
- Natural Hazards and Risk Where Earth processes and society intersect
- Origins of Life I Early ideas and experiments
- Ruth Benerito Using basic physical chemistry to solve practical problems
- Scientific Ethics Ethical standards and their implications
- Scientific Institutions and Societies Types of institutions and their influence
- Scientists and the Scientific Community The experiences that shape scientists
- Statistics in Science Origins of descriptive and inferential statistics
- The How and Why of Scientific Meetings How to approach attending a meeting
- The Nature of Light Particle and wave theories
- The Process of Science Key concepts in thinking like a scientist
- Theories, Hypotheses, and Laws Definitions, examples, and their roles in science
- Understanding Scientific Journals and Articles How to approach reading journal articles
- Utilizing the Scientific Literature The record of scientific progress
- Weather, Fronts, and Forecasts From observations to predictive models
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