Alphabetical list of glossary terms
- gabbro
- Galileo Galilei
- gamete
- gamma decay
- gas
- gas constant
- gas laws
- gate
- Gauss, Carl Friedrich
- Gaussian distribution
- Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Louis
- gene
- gene drive
- General Circulation Model
- generation
- genetic drift
- genome
- genotype
- genus
- geocentric
- geographic information system
- Geological Society of America
- geosphere
- Gerlach, Walther
- Gilbert, Grove Karl
- glacial period
- Global Positioning System
- glossary terms
- glucose
- golgi apparatus
- Goodall, Jane
- Gordon, Neil
- Gosset, William Sealy
- Gould, Stephen Jay
- Graham, Thomas
- granite
- gravity
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gas
- Griffith, Frederick
- ground state
- ground truth
- groundwater
- group
- Gutenberg, Beno
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