Alphabetical list of glossary terms
- abiogenesis
- absolute humidity
- absolute temperature
- absolute zero
- absorb
- abstract
- acceleration
- accuracy
- acetylcholine
- acid
- acid rain
- activation energy
- active transport
- Adams, John Couch
- adaptation
- adenosine triphosphate
- adhesion
- adiabatic
- adsorb
- advection
- aerobic
- Agassiz, Louis
- Age of Exploration
- agglutination
- Agricola, Georgius
- agronomist
- albedo
- alchemy
- alcohol
- algae
- Alhazen
- alkaloid
- alkanes
- alkenes
- alkynes
- allele
- allotropy
- alpha particle
- alternative hypothesis
- alveolar
- alveolus
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Chemical Society
- American Geophysical Union
- amino acid
- amorphous
- Ampere, Andre
- amphibious
- amphiphilic
- Amphoteric
- amplitude
- analysis
- Anaxagoras
- Anaximander
- Andean margin
- andesite
- Angstrom
- angular momentum
- anion
- anode
- anomaly
- anther
- antibody
- antigen
- antiport
- apex predator
- aquatic
- aquifer
- archaea
- Archimedes
- Aristotle
- arithmetic mean
- Arrhenius, Svante
- artery
- artificial selection
- asthenosphere
- astrobiology
- atmosphere
- atom
- atomic mass
- atomic mass unit
- atomic number
- atomic orbitals
- atomic unit
- atomic weight
- attenuation
- average
- Avery, Oswald
- Avogadro's Law
- Avogadro, Amedeo
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