Reactions and Changes Carbon Chemistry: Simple hydrocarbons, isomers, and functional groups by Anthony Carpi, Ph.D. Reading Quiz Teach with this Organic chemistry is broadly defined as: the chemistry of metallic compounds the chemistry of substances produced by living organisms the chemistry of the compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen all of the choices The simplest alkane is: ethane ethene ethyne methane The group of simple organic molecules that contain only C and H are called: carbon hydrocarbons hydrogens hydronium A compound containing only carbon and hydrogen and that has no double bonds is called an: alkane alkene alkyne isomer C4H6 is the chemical formula for: butene butyne ethene propyne An alkene with seven carbon atoms has the formula: C7H12 C7H13 C7H14 C7H16 The chemical formula for ethyne is: C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 C2H8 Compounds with the same chemical formula but different structures are called: hydrogens isomers isotopes none of the choices Alcohols contain what functional group? an alkyl group carboxyl group hydroxyl group none of the choices What is the name of the compound with the formula CH3CH2CH3? ethane methane pentane propane Carbon is a common component of which of the following items? air iron people water Score Quiz