Cell Biology Cell Division I: The cell cycle by Nathan H Lents, Ph.D., Donna Hesterman Reading Quiz Teach with this Binary fission refers to the process by which the nucleus of a cell splits just prior to cytokinesis. most plant and animal cells reproduce. bacteria and other cells lacking a nucleus reproduce. a cell duplicates its DNA. After a single cell divides, there are three cells -- the parent cell and two daughter cells. true false The cell cycle can be described as chaotic and composed of various phases that are virtually indistinguishable when viewed through a microscope. identical in every kind of cell. a sequence of events that continues constantly in all cells. a pattern of distinct phases in a cell regulated by proteins. The cell cycle can be reversed, causing a cell to move backward from mitosis, back to the G2 and S-phases. true false Arthur Pardee was looking for a "point of no return" in his experiments – a point in the life cycle where a cell commits to a path toward division or toward pausing in a quiescent state. Today, we call this point the restriction point. CDKs. mitosis. chroma. Interphase collectively refers to mitosis and cytokinesis. G0 and the restriction point. G1, S-phase, and G2. DNA synthesis and G0. Mitosis is a type of cell division. true false Tim Hunt used radioactive tags in his experiments with sea urchin eggs so that he could observe how long it took for the cell cycle to restart after interruption. when new proteins were made during the process of cell division. if the cell cycle was reversible. how restriction works in a cell. The cell cycle kinases are enzymes that are activated when __________ build up in the cytoplasm. cyclins DNA strands chroma bacteria All cells that make up mammalian tissues continue to divide at a constant rate until cellular death. true false Score Quiz