A fundamental property of matter which is a numerical measure of the inertia of an object or the amount of matter that an object contains. The mass of an object is different from its weight as mass is independent of the gravitational field exerted on an object.
Appears in modules:
- Adaptation The case of penguins
- An Elegant Experiment to Test the Process of DNA Replication The work of Meselsohn and Stahl
- Atomic Theory I Detecting electrons and the nucleus
- Atomic Theory II Ions, neutrons, isotopes and quantum theory
- Biodiversity I Definitions and patterns of diversity
- Carlos J. Finlay Eradicating yellow fever
- Cell Division I The cell cycle
- Chemical Equations Using shorthand to show balanced reactions
- Chemical Reactions Types of reactions and the laws that govern them
- Circulation in the Atmosphere Earth's tilt, orbit, rotation, and the redistribution of energy
- Comparison in Scientific Research Uncovering statistically significant relationships
- Defining Minerals Composition and crystal structure
- Density and Buoyancy Definitions and units
- Description in Scientific Research Observations and multiple working hypotheses
- Diffusion I Random molecular movement and influences on diffusion rate
- Early Ideas about Matter From Democritus to Dalton
- Earth's Atmosphere Composition, temperature, and pressure
- France Anne-Dominic Córdova Climbing through astrophysics and science policy
- Future of Human Evolution Artificial selection and transhumanism
- Gravity The law of universal gravitation
- History of Earth's Atmosphere I The origin of the modern atmosphere
- History of Earth's Atmosphere II The rise of atmospheric oxygen
- Identifying Minerals Characterizing minerals' physical properties
- Introduction to Inferential Statistics Describing patterns and relationships in datasets
- Kinetic-Molecular Theory Molecule collisions, the mean free path, and modern KMT
- Nuclear Chemistry Radiation, half-life, and nuclear reactions
- Nuclear Chemistry I Radiation, half-life, and nuclear reactions
- Photosynthesis I Harnessing the energy of the sun
- Properties of Solids The influence of crystal structure on behavior
- Scientific Institutions and Societies Types of institutions and their influence
- Solutions Molarity, solubility, and colligative properties
- Statistical Techniques Constructing a confidence interval
- Stoichiometry The proportional nature of chemical reactions
- Substances Pure substances and mixtures
- The Metric System Metric and scientific notation
- The Mole and Atomic Mass Definitions, conversions, and Avogadro's number
- The Nature of Scientific Knowledge What is it and why should we trust it?
- The Periodic Table of Elements II History and development
- The Practice of Science An introduction to research methods
- The Rock Cycle Uniformitarianism and recycling
- Uncertainty, Error, and Confidence Characterizing natural variability and human error
- Water Properties and behavior
- Water in the Atmosphere The factors that influence evaporation and condensation
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