Alphabetical list of glossary terms
- S-wave
- Sagan, Carl
- Saint-Hillaire, Isidore Geoffroy
- salt
- sampling
- sanitation
- saponification
- saturation
- scale
- Schleiden, Matthias Jacob
- Schrödinger's equation
- Schrödinger, Erwin
- Schwann, Theodor
- scientific controversy
- scientific method
- scientific notation
- Scientific Revolution
- sea ice
- seafloor
- seafloor spreading
- seamount
- second ionization energy
- Second Law of Thermodynamics
- sediment
- sedimentary
- seismic wave
- seismologist
- serology
- serpentine
- serum
- Shiprock
- SI
- sickle cell disease
- skewed distribution
- Skou, Jens Christian
- sky island
- Slipher, Vesto Melvin
- smog
- society
- Soddy, Frederick
- soil
- solar eclipse
- solid
- solubility
- soluble
- solute
- solution
- solvent
- sonar
- space mission
- space shuttle
- Spallanzani, Lazzaro
- Spanish Inquisition
- species
- spectral lines
- spectrogram
- spectrograph
- spectrometer
- spectroscopy
- spectrum
- spherical
- spiral nebulae
- spontaneous generation
- spread
- stakeholder
- standard deviation
- standard error of the mean
- standard pressure
- standard temperature
- statistic
- statistical error
- statistical significance
- statistics
- status quo
- Steno, Nicolaus
- Stern, Otto
- Stoichiometry
- strain
- stratosphere
- Strong acid
- Strong base
- Student's t-test
- subduction
- subduction zones
- subject
- subsample
- subshell
- sugar
- supercomputer
- Superfund
- surface
- surface tension
- suspension
- symbiosis
- synthesis
- synthetic
- system
- systematic error
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